August 2023


ARIES- Since July 17th the North Node of the Moon has been in your sign Aries, last seen Christmas 2004-June 2006. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac making your initiatory energy favoring moving forward with self-directed purpose (remember the animal token for Aries- the ram with its horns). Adding a new facet to your personality or taking an action that helps others see who you are-even changing the color of your hair counts…is favored. You have 18 months to accomplish this as the North Node slowly touches each degree of Aries, affecting this month those whose birthday is between the 17th and 20th of April..

TAURUS-As you are a practical earth sign concerned with what you are worth, what you earn and what you own, you must be happy with the planet of growth, Jupiter in your sign.  This influence is being tempered by Uranus, the planet of the unexpected also in your sign.  Abrupt ups and downs are in store for the sign that wants stability more than anything else! The first weeks in August see you navigating those shoals.  Especially watch August 13th to 15th.  Could be very exciting….

GEMINI-As August begins your ruler Mercury is in Virgo and opposing Saturn from Pisces. This planetary event will repeat a few times this summer season as Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo at the end of the month.  Mercury is the messenger. Perhaps he brings a message that at first brings dread- or just more responsibility.   This aspect is accompanied by a Full Moon, which illuminates. Around the 5th Mercury enters its shadow period before going retrograde in Virgo on the 23rd.  This long pass in Virgo will highlight the area of your life concerning your present home, your property that does not move, like real estate, your family of origin or parental and legacy concerns.  It is a long passage, so you have time to get it right.

CANCER-You had a New Moon, both Sun and Moon meeting at the same degree at the same time, on the 17th of July.  Therefore, matters that began then will reach a fulfillment of sorts on the first of August at the Full Moon.  The New Moon in July was opposed to Pluto so this could have brought radical changes in your life-an end to a chapter, a relationship or mode of being. As with all Pluto transits-there is some golden nugget hidden in the debris that is worth searching for.

LEO-As we have spoken about before you have the planet of Love and desire and attraction and beauty, Venus, traversing your sign for a long time this summer into fall season.  Venus went retrograde in Leo on the 23rd of July at the end of Leo and will not leave Leo until October 10th.  Expect a review of contracts or agreements you have made, what you want in your life, what activity or whom you are in a relationship with, and what you attach importance to.  The New Moon in your sign on the 16th puts you in the driver’s seat.

VIRGO-Mercury, your ruler is in Virgo all month, going retrograde on the 24th as the Sun enters Virgo for its annual meet up with the Moon in Virgo at a New Moon on the 23rd.  These events have you powering through with your discriminating mind. However, there is a certain amount of caution needed as Mercury is slowing down this month, so should you.  Mentally exploring all the possibilities is one thing, but you might not have all the information you need to execute all your plans.   

LIBRA- As Venus your ruler is spending lots of time this month in Leo and your 11th house, your social calendar will be quite full.  You might be suddenly surrounded by lots of new groups and newfound friends and people who are interested in the same things you are.  Watch for excesses around the 22nd as Venus squares the planet of abundance Jupiter. That time is also a great time for a party. 

SCORPIO-You might feel quite inspired by your friends and greater community after your ruler Mars spent so much time in your 11th house of friends and larger community, in July. August has a New Moon in Leo on the 16th accompanied by both the planet of love and harmony, Venus, and Uranus the planet of sudden upsets. This will affect your 10th house of career and reputation.  Be discreet in your dalliances.

SAGITTARIUS- Jupiter, your ruler is moving slowly now in Taurus and your 6th house of work, service, health, small pets, and employees. The gas ball giant goes retrograde at the beginning of September.  The optimism you might have felt with that new job might be questioned. For this month make sure the public sees the true you and you are living in accordance with your personal values and not merely supporting someone else’s agenda. 

CAPRICORN-August begins with a Full Moon in Aquarius opposite the Sun in Leo.  This Full Moon has the Sun and Moon in opposite arenas of the financial sectors of your life.  The money and possessions and values you protect and hold and earn versus what you gain or own with others, like your portfolio or shared assets with your partner/s.  As Saturn is retrograding in your 3rd house of mental activities-you might take this month to reflect on where your assets should be placed.

AQUARIUS- Full Moons bring awareness and illumination, and this month it is in your sign, illuminating how you are responding in relationship.  You might be confronted by someone who asks if you would mind saying something in a different way.  This puts the focus back on you and gives you pause for reflection and perhaps a readjustment in your manner. With the Sun in Leo, your opposite sign-they have strength.  They have the light on their side as you are a winter sign.  Learn from them how to shine.

PISCES- We hate talking about Saturn in your sign again, but what else to say?  Overcoming exhaustion from too much work and procrastinating because you feel overloaded and cannot keep up is the story here.  This Full moon at the beginning of the month should bring an awareness of the need for a retreat of sorts or maybe a renewal of your daily meditation practice.  Keeping your inner life alive and well is the secret of life and helps you keep your mind on what is truly long lastingly important.