Week of Wednesday the 22nd of October -Tuesday the 28th of October

The format of these blogs will be changing to a review of the most prominent weekly planetary activity with some current events synchronicity.

Please read your rising sign as well if you know it. 


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 22) – This is a big week. New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow at 5:57 PM EDT on the cusp of your 8th house of joint finances, wills, inheritances, taxes, monies from other people. Expect to begin to have to deal with any undisclosed, possibly acrimonious financial affairs.  When Mercury goes forward at 2:10 PM Saturday, the right person to talk to appears. Then Mars your ruler moves into Capricorn Sunday just before dawn, where it and you are in the best shape possible. No more exasperation but determination to work through the issues one at a time.

TAURUS (Apr 22- May 21) – Solar Eclipse New Moon tomorrow in Scorpio will affect you through your partners. Expect to see some movement in your partnership affairs, including negotiations and /or reconciliations, in the next days, months and years of your life, as eclipses ripple through time. Venus your ruler enters Scorpio at the same time making the desire for more of an intense interpersonal experience (even secretive and sexual) stronger. For the record Mercury apparently goes direct on Saturday afternoon so your renewed healthy habits or daily regime program will begin to pay off.  Expect a blissful afternoon on Monday. 

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21) – We have the Solar Eclipse New Moon igniting the 6th house of your chart at 5:57 PM tomorrow. This will bring with it the resurrecting of a dietary/healthy regime maybe long forgotten; or action towards inaugurating a new way to be of service. The month of the year when the Sun is going through the 6th is not really about having fun but rather about doing your duty, which in its own way can be fun. It is preparation time for a more public role so use the time to improve your daily efficiency. Good news too is that Mercury will apparently move forward again at 3:19 PM on Saturday.  You might feel stuck this week though, before that happens, as the times of Mercury’s turn around accompany a feeling of stalling; like I cannot get anything going; but anticipation of movement forward is being felt.

CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22) – You are always mindful of who you ought to be caring for; and might be called upon to extend your arms to those others than family or your own group. The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow begins new energy in regards your children or a lover or a creative project. Scorpio is the sign of passion, secrets, life's biggest transformations and intense desire. You can feel that about your children or lover; best to use it on your own secret artistic project or creative outlet. There might be a young person at home that you need to connect with and talk to. It has been on your mind.

LEO (Jul 22-Aug 20) – As long as you are truly being magnanimous you are living up to the inherent greatness of your sign. This week’s Solar Eclipse New Moon accentuates your home or domestic life and how you feel about yourself. This New Moon is in Scorpio, the sign that gives us the strongest manifestation of purpose. You are called to switchover any ostentation for a completely open and loving heart. Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th feel the bliss and your dreamy, spiritual and selfless side.

VIRGO (Aug 20-Sep 21) – The mind is a terrible thing to waste as they say.  Your striving for perfection necessitates that you rearrange your thinking at this Solar Eclipse New Moon tomorrow in Scorpio, the sign of intense desire. In order to achieve your purpose, you must be so clear headed that your mental focus can cut into the heart of the matter.Your ruler moves forward on Saturday afternoon and so begins the slow slog to return to normal speed after a trip to Hades and the underground. Delight in coming to what is fair concerning your possessions or money.

LIBRA (Sep 21-Oct 19) – Acutely aware of what is right regarding rights and responsibilities in mutual relationships, you are being asked to deeply desire your own sense of self esteem and self worth at this Solar Eclipse New Moon tomorrow. Solar Eclipses are more significant and longer lasting new beginnings than regular New Moons. The universe wants us to get something quickly and alters our outward life in order for us to see the urgency. Your ruler Venus moves into Scorpio tomorrow afternoon too, awakening those innermost desires regarding how you want to earn a living, which needs to support your own self reliance and therefore self worth.

SCORPIO (Oct 19-Nov 21) – You certainly must be feeling exhausted after such a long journey these past few years with Saturn in your sign, then the  long passage of Mars in your 12th house of secrets and sufferings; followed by the long transit of Mercury through the same place.  This influence will finally leave November 9th when you can begin to talk about all the secrets and sufferings and releases you have been experiencing.  Saturn is beginning its descent into the next sign and you will experience a very deep sigh of relief on Christmas when he moves in Sagittarius.  Tomorrow there is a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio, with Venus. You can be feeling that the past trials through the years have brought you a deeper understanding of yourself and what an intense person you are; coupled with a profound sense that there is Divine Order not to be supplanted. If you are suddenly invited to socialize this weekend go and enjoy it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 21-Dec 21) - You might have made a new friend or have been thinking about it, or they about you. With Mercury moving forward on Saturday you both can be feeling the pull to move forward at the same time. The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow is in your house of secrets emboldening that very private area of your chart.  Perhaps exhausted from all the aspiring and traveling recently, there might still be time for one more retreat or therapy session before the next push towards higher fulfillment that you desire, begins.

CAPRICORN (Dec 21-Jan 20) –The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow in your house of friendships, goals, organizations –the most social area of the birth chart.  Expect to be surprised with a raise, or recognition that a long sort for goal or entrance into a club is within reach. Mars enters your sign on Sunday early morning and with Mercury’s apparent forward motion on Saturday and your ruler Saturn finally entering new ground the sails are set.  Get ready for a big shift at Christmas.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 19) – Your sense of the value of community over that of an individual is strong. In a funny way though this can lead to a diminishing of the power and uniqueness you see in each person you meet.  Aquarius is a fixed sign and can get stuck. The New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow in Scorpio asks you to desire to be seen as someone who is intensely passionate about transforming her outdated belief system so as not only to be content with just participation in the group, but through self discipline and inner reflection be open to fresh thinking. Mars entering your12th house of “that which holds you back” on Sunday and will highlight any inner work that needs to be done. You have until December 5th.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 21) –If everything might be taking longer than you’d like, you might blame Mercury, who in its apparent retrograde motion moves more slowly. Mercury goes direct Saturday afternoon and may mean that those persons, with whom you have been working, have finally gotten their financial act together and you can proceed. The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio tomorrow in your 9th house of travel, further education, courts, philosophy or meaning of life is asking you to focus on taking responsibility for your thinking and belief system as that determines what happens to you in your outer life; the consequences of our thoughts and actions cannot be avoided.