A New Beginning to We Are All in This Together
/As I write this April 27th, we are a week into the New Moon in Taurus; that is the Sun and Moon have married each other to initiate a new round of experiences for us. This unique time period will last a month, until the New Moon in Gemini the 22nd of May. Taurus represents the middle of the spring season; fertility and renewal are in the air; the baby buds are opening and the green grass is rising.
Taurus also symbolizes what we value, what we want and desire and what we want to hold on to. As this time of quarantine is upon us, it is an excellent time to go inside and reflect deeply on what we want for our future. What do we hold dear? What is our heart telling us? Does the work we did before corona align with the truth we hold inside? Are we doing it just for the money? (and most often that is the case). But has this time being separated from our “normal routine”, allowed us to spend time in delving into activities that we had put on hold because we had “No Time”? We do have valuable unprecedented time now for our creative and personal inner work.
The planet Uranus is with this new moon and his presence with this new beginning lends a note of change, surprise, intensity, an awakening, a sudden discovery of our own uniqueness, a possible rebellion, a freedom to experiment, a brilliance and excitement to our experience of this month. According to author Rick Tarnas, Uranus should really be called Prometheus, as he was the Titan who rebelled against the gods by stealing fire from them and giving fire, or the creative spirit, to humanity. If fire is now in the hands of humans—oh my, now humans can create too!!! What a rebellion against authority and and usurpation of power.
So in this month where we have this new moon coupled with Uranus-we can expect to waken to a new creative spark, or have an intellectual and/or spiritual awakening, or get a sense of freedom from past constraints and more to Tarnas’ point, Uranus/Prometheus is here to move humankind into a fundamentally different relationship to the cosmos. This is no less true on a personal level than it is true on a cosmic level. We see this happening all around us as each of us has to figure out how to do…..differently.
The thing is we have lost all our cues from the outside world. We barely know what day of the week it is or what is socially acceptable. We are figuring out how to get what we need daily. We are forced to rely on ourselves, our intuition and what our heart is speaking to us. It might be chaotic on the outside but once we have gotten over the fear, we will begin to operate from a new perspective. Our inner orientation has to be towards “a new normal”. Most opinions I read and by my own gut feelings I think we share the scary concept that things on every level will not go back to the way they were. Uranus is opening us up to the “new”.
We are entering a new dynasty beginning in December when Jupiter and Saturn begin their 200 year marriages in air signs. We can no longer look to material production and accumulation as a goal in and of itself. We are finished with that 200 year paradigm, begun at the Industrial Revolution. When the new conjunction/marriage occurs in Aquarius in December, we enter a different world, we are transitioning into this new dynasty now. We have lost everything we depended upon, up to this point, and are called upon to fashion a new role for ourselves, our country and the world. This will apply to some more than others, of course. But a New Moon in Taurus with Uranus is a good jumping off moment.
The next deepening of our desire body will occur on May 13th as Venus, who is very brilliantly bright in the evening sky now will slowly sink back into the Sun and change her relationship to the Sun. Now as an evening star, she will over the course of 40 days retreat into the Sun (June 3rd) and rise in the morning sky around the middle of June. The special time period (around June 3rd) when our desire body (Venus) connects with our vital creative spirit, our self awareness and self manifestation (Sun) is a re-birth of sorts. We become more acutely aware of what are heart is telling us, where and how we can create more beauty and harmony in ourselves and in the world.
The sign Gemini is where this action is happening so new ideas, communication patterns and new educational pursuits might jump to the front burner in our minds. Venus stays in Gemini from April 4th to August 8th. We can anticipate a long passage of coming to terms with the deeper reaches of our psyches where new information resides and wants to be born. May and June of 2012 was the last time Venus was retrograde in Gemini. There will be some resonance with that time period should you care to reflect.
Marianne Williamson is offering a 3-miute daily class on a Course in Miracles to help us rewire our brains to help see the world and use our brains differently which is what we are going to need for the future.